Thursday, July 3, 2008


Why do kids always cry for their mommy after their mommy just severely punished them? Corey just received every kind of punishment that is legally available for not settling down and going to bed, and nothing worked. I even sent Shannon in to another room but Corey still would not quiet down. Finally, a swat on the butt, an extinguished nightlight, and a door slam later, Corey realized the magnitude of his misbehavior. Uh oh.

Well, as soon as I get downstairs, the mother of all temper tantrums ensued. Regardless of what any of you might say, no matter how misbehaved my children may be, they are not ones to fall into a psychotic, all-out, screaming, flailing, toy throwing temper tantrum. Until tonight. Corey let 'er rip so loud, you could hear him screaming down the street.

Hilarious phrases like, "I WANT my MOMMY!" and "But I don't LIKE to be in the DARK!" rang out at at least 200 decibels. Shannon and Riley were soon begging me to give Corey back his night light for fear that THEY would lose their sanity amidst all the commotion.

Five minutes into the fit, I heard the blinds swooshing against the window frame and Corey yelling, "I don't LIKE my hand hurting, I don't LIKE to be in the dark and my HAND hurts!" Mommy waited it out and soon Corey grew quiet and hopefully a little reflective. Nothing ends a temper tantrum like self-inflicted pain, I guess.


JunesHGP said...

It is sooooo hard to wait it out - good for you!

Bobbie said...

I have absolutely no sympathy for Colleen. If all of you only knew what it was like to try and get her and Shannon to go to sleep at night when they were little, you would know what I mean

Nobody, and I do mean nobody, has ever put parents through more than they did.

JunesHGP said...

as the old saying goes...
I hope you grow up to have kids like you -
or something like that.
i think you all know which saying i am talking about - dont ya?

Colleen said...

I gotcha, J-bug.

Yeah, we were pretty bad. Well, Shannon (sis) was. She'd lay in bed and go,

"Ha-ha-ha-shu-shu-shu! Freddy Jason. Freddy Jason."

(Freddie Kruger from Nightmare on Elm Street and Jason from the Halloween movie.)

I would be scared to death! Then she'd doze of and start her kicking...