Thursday, March 13, 2008

Where Is....

my music player? I don't have it on my site and I can't hear the music! Can anybody else? Please let me know in the comment section!


Colleen said...

Oops, now I have two.

It's kinda funny. I think I'll leave them there for a while... see if anyone notices.

Anonymous said...

OK I am on again. I got thr song great this morning when I was helping Meg get it up. Your Dad told her about and he was so excited she wanted to get it. I walked her through it as she was thrilled with it too. To answer your question. I was getting a definite echo just now, however, when I pushed the off button I heard just the one. Pure luck on my part. Hope this goes through.

Sister Donata

Laura said...

I've been able to see and hear your music player(s) as well.

Colleen said...

Problem corrected. That was wierd.