Yesterday he decided that we needed to get some things for our April trip to Jamaica so he decided we should drive 80 miles to do it. It was a cold day and the layout of the mall was enormous, but Ken was on a mission. Four two hours we shopped for sandals. Man sandals. (I also tried on a couple of swim suits, but really, we were looking for his sandals.) A couple hours and six shoe stores later, Ken found his sandals. Unfortunately for him, the kids had also discovered a toy store outlet and we spent $30 that we otherwise could have kept in our pockets had the boys not been so miserably cold and bored.
The boys certainly hit the jackpot with the toys they found. Riley got a Pokemon 3 pack, Shannon found an actual Knuckles figurine from the Sonic cartoon (Mommy had to show him that it actually lit up, he had played with it for an hour before finding this out,) and Corey found the coolest toy of all. His brother decided it should be named "Oooey Gooey" from an old poem Mommy likes to recite, and it was a suiting name for a sticky light-up worm with spikes all over it.
The poem? Well, it goes like this:
Oooey Gooey was a worm
A mighty worm was he
He sat upon the railroad tracks
The train he did not see
Oooey Gooey!
This morning I was going to power clean the house, and when Ken heard this, he jumped right in. Well, he began organizing everything in every room, anyhow. This is how Ken cleans. Tear everything up and ask Colleen to put it somewhere else. Usually this is only effective in angering me, but today it resulted in locating two Nintendo DS games that we thought were gone for good, taking loads of junk to the garbage can or to the basement for storage, and a complete rearrangement of the living room furniture. So I wont complain. The end result?
Ken even hung a picture for me, finally! I think it's too high, Ken thinks it's too low, but at least it's not a boring, empty, scuffed up wall like it used to be. Now I just need something for the sides of the picture to help fill up the wall a little more. Ken also fixed both of our lamps that I thought were ruined for good! (Really, with my boys, lamps NEVER last!) Now we're thinking of replacing the carpet too, even though we don't really have the money to spend and the boys will most likely ruin the new stuff, too. That idea will probably go by the wayside after we get back from Jamaica and realize we spent more money there than we meant to.
Yes Corey would like the worm !! Also like the way you rearranged the living room.
Love ya,
A picture should be hung so that the middle of it is 67" from the floor!! (Just so you know)
With love,
Your HGP rep, and BFF from IOWA,
J Bug,
Thanks for the info. Should I go get out the tape measure?
Funny you say that because to me pictures should be eye-balled and Ken and I always get into it when he gets out the tape measure!
Colleen, your living room looks great!
Your room DOES look great - I can't believe you have 3 boys that live there. What does it NORMALLY look like? I don't think I could even take a picture and photo shop it to look that good right now.
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