Tuesday, March 11, 2008


Okay, Ken is getting back at me for my last few weeks, err...days of laziness. Would you believe he made me prime the entire ceiling, wash all the painting tools, paint one wall a grey-mint-green, wash all the painting tools, second coat the ceiling, prime the top foot of all the walls and then wash all the painting tools for the third time??? Believe it. Yes, I am quite taller than he is, but geeze, that ceiling stuff will rip your arms out of their sockets!

Not to say Ken wasn't doing anything, he cut-in the ceiling and the one grey-mint-green wall then washed all the walls. He sanded a little bit, too. And we did this all in five hours. Tomorrow we get to double coat the entire room, get all the stuck-on mud out of the carpets and try to pull the room back together. Then I can finally dust my entire house. That hasn't happened in a month and I am dead serious- there is no reason to dust when your husband is using a table saw or a sander or mudding equipment in your basement.

Shannon enlightened me a little bit about Leprechauns today, and me being a little colleen, well I guess I should have known. Apparently his classroom gets ransacked by Leprechauns on a regular basis and they are very mischievous little creatures. They like to mess up the teacher's journals and they NEVER clean them up. They misplace things and cause confusion for the teacher pretty regularly, too. They can be lured in by chocolate coins but after they eat them they are supposed to leave some golden coins behind. Unfortunately for the teacher, they never remember to leave the gold and she just doesn't have much money for all of the trouble.

Far be it for me to question a Kindergarten teacher, but I'm pretty sure that she has her Leprechauns confused with Gremlins or something. I mean, really! I've never met an Irishman who would be troublesome or mischievous in the least!

Well, there's Grandpa. And Riley. And Shannon. And Corey... okay, maybe she wasn't confused after all.


Anonymous said...

Love your song today!!!!! I know Grandpa will to.
Love ya,

P.S. First time I haven't turned the music off. Know any "Oldies"?

Anonymous said...

Ha - It sounds like you already have it all finished. Thanks to the title of your blog today I can't get a song out of my head - by the Beatles? I think??? Help...I need somebody, help, not just anybody, heeellllppp....

My help - well, I can't remember the last time I dusted and I don't really have any excuses...errr...I mean, well, our house has been in a constant state of remodel pretty much since we moved in - so yeah, what you said. :0)

Also, what do you do when your 5 year old doesn't want to read anymore? Why, because I can't find his "TOOTLE" book. Once I find that, he claims, he will read some more. Why is it they want the one book you can't find out of the hundreds (literally) that we own????


Anonymous said...

Great song but then all Irish songs are great aren't they.

Love your "Overheard at our house" section.

Many a teacher has learned more about families than they ever wanted to know.

Sister D

Colleen said...

I don't have a problem with my 5 year old not wanting to read anymore, so I can't help you there. Corey did lose his 'Sign' book for a day or two and spent a LOT of time in his room due to the ensuing meltdown...

Colleen said...

Sister Donata said, "Many a teacher has learned more about families than they ever wanted to know."

Honestly, I told my teachers everything, even when I didn't know what I was talking about! The parents would disown me if they only knew...