Okay, here is the finished but undecorated playroom. The dust has been removed an that was no
easy task. Notice, no drop ceiling, that is drywall! In the 4th bedroom, we did hang a picture, add two end tables, and two lamps (one which doesn't work, who would expect any different in my house,) so the room is partially decorated. This shows a better example of the true color of the room than previous posts have.
And finally, not that you can see them very well, but I actually have some fingernails now! (And really OLD looking hands.) But at 34 years old, it looks like I might have finally kicked a very bad habit, and I did it for no apparent reason! I went to the mall in early January and some strange, feminine guy with a heavy accent grabbed my hand, hit my fingernail with a buffer a few times and said, "Buy my product!" (I'm assuming that is what he said, and it must have worked.) I bought a nail buffer, some cuticle cream and never chewed my nails again! I'm safe at least until the next big crisis in my life, I think.
Your rooms look great!! Good looking nails too!
I LOVE the color you painted the basement! It is so pretty!
Your nails look great too!
I hope you put the leprecaun back on for saint Patrick's day even if Cory does think it's babyish.
"Unless you become like little children you cannot entereternal life."
Sister Donata
We'll have Irish for St. Patrick's Day, trust me!
Hey Sista! I never would have recognized your hands with those nails. They look awesome!
-Aunt Kells
your nails do look good - and for decorations - see my comment below!!!
Great comment from Sister Donata!!
blessings from junebug
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