Sunday, March 30, 2008

Oooey Gooey Goner

Oooey Gooey was a worm
A fragile worm was he
Corey smashed him down
Many times in the ground
And now no more is he

Oooey Gooey!

(Corey also pulled out at least 15% of the spikes on poor Oooey Gooey.)


Bobbie said...

Oooey Gooey !!! Was Corey really fond of him or was his passing ok?

Colleen said...

Corey LOVED the thing, but he's used to breaking every gooey toy he gets. When I explained that he popped it, the light was broke, and I was tired of picking up spikes so I threw him away, he just asked if he could have his sign book. It's all good now.