Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Good Fences Make Great Neighbors

Who wrote that poem, Frost? I dunno, but whenever I hear that phrase I think of the Wilson character from the "Tool Time" TV show. Now I have something else to associate it with!

Ken said the neighbors just told him that they were putting up a fence this spring! I have been going crazy lately watching the snow melt and layers (and I do mean layers) of doggie-poo materialize in its place. On top of the mounds of gifts my two neighbor dogs leave behind, they also scare the heck out of Riley and Corey and assume my yard is a dog run. Although I love the neighbors and they are great people, this situation would have had to come to a head by summer! Soon to be rectified, I hope.

Ken worked on the ceiling again tonight. I only had to rinse one chunk of drywall out of my eye for ten minutes today and I'm pretty sure there's no lasting damage. Thankfully the drywall is all up because I just can't seem to keep myself from looking up when assisting and I'm not smart enough to don protective eye wear. Oh well, now we're on to mudding and luckily Ken has no faith in my ability to do anything related to this task. Darn.

Music of the day is "Flash Gordon," in relation to the new "Shannon wants you to know..." feature on the sidebar. It was suggested that I let the kids enter things they might want you to know, and so far Riley and Shannon have complied. Shannon, in particular, had an interesting school day. Enjoy, everybody!


Anonymous said...

Is Travion a boy at school?

Colleen said...

Yes, he's a real troublemaker according to Shannon.

Anonymous said...

Okay, okay, I guess if I am priviledged enough to be invited to read your daily blog (which I am ever growing more and more confident in the fact that I could never do as good a job as you or be quite as interesting at it) I guess I better leave a comment as you have demanded, ahem, I meant to say "requested".
Praise the Lord about the fence. Now let's just see if it actually happens. If not, I will help you draft the letter since we are so good at doing that together. One way or another we will get those nasty dog owners to clean up their own #%*$ and keep those lovely pooches in their own yard!
-Your BFF Heather

Anonymous said...

Colleeny - I cant stop laughing at what Shannon had to say. Guess I should read your blog more often - huh? You are the best.
Can I be your BFF from afar??

Love ya

Colleen said...

^^^^Wow, I'm blushing!

Heather and June, you follow my deman...prompts well!

Junebug, you are my 'scream-it-from-the-deck-BFF!

Heather, you're my we're-stuck-in-Michigan-and-our-neighborhood-is-going-to-#$%@-BFF!

Now, start your own blogs so I can give you feedback on your crazy lives. I know you have them!

Colleen said...

Oh, wait, I forgot!



Colleen said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

I guess I'm just the favorite sister, not a BFF. Anyway, nice demand, I mean prompt! You are doing a great job on this sister!

-Aunt Kells

p.s. Hi Junebug!

Anonymous said...

hi kells!!

miss getting...i mean watching you guys get...i mean...going out with you guys!!


(ooohhh that sounds so gross)

P.S> NOWAY will I start my own blog - I could never compete with you!! :0)

Colleen said...

J bug-
I'll be home for the spring game, I'll grab you Friday, April 18th around 5, you come with and I'll drop you off early Sunday morning!

You're weaning and not preggers? Good, we can get sh... we can party... we can have a decent time!