Thursday, March 13, 2008

What is Wrong with this Picture?

Okay, I'm going to be scrubbing toilets and dusting my house all day, and where are my parents? Celebrating their 41st Anniversary. (Well, Mom, I guess you aren't really 36 now, are ya?) At Disney World. Where it's warm and sunny. Where all the 'magic' happens. Where you take your children when they are very very good. They didn't take their children. I am their child and I am not at Disney World. What is wrong with this picture?

The basement is finally done, though, and that is a miracle in itself. Unfortunately, the paint color doesn't really match the decor, so I will be accepting donations to acquire new furniture, because there is no way that I am picking up a paint brush for at least a year or two. Unless it's on the floor and I need to move it to vacuum, that is.

I decided that I will leave the Leprechaun Song up a little longer for all of you Irish folk out there. Besides, I'm having a really hard time coming up with a song about toilets. However, if you know of one, feel free to direct me to it in the comment section.


Leigh said...

If only you had the "Potty Pal" 45 record from when we were kids!! I think that would be an appropriate song for potty cleaning!


Colleen said...

ARGH!!! That was so fun! But do you remember the lyrics? Oh, you're Leigh, of course you do...

"Hi, I'm Potty Pal, I've got a message for you. What is your name? Oh, it's nice to meet you!

I'm going to Grandmas, you're welcome come! We'll have some chocolate chip cookies and some peppermint gum.

But before we go there's one thing I know... I MUST USE THE POTTY NOW, BEFORE WE GO!"

Loved that record! Wonder where my kids get the potty talk from?

Anonymous said...

Colleen...ummmm, I don't know where you can find your toilet song - though I am absolutely sure there is one out there, I don't think the audience would enjoy it. :0)

I do know ho wyou can solve your decorating problem though...HOST A STINKIN PARTY ALREADY...then you can decorate for FREE!!!!! I can even set it up online now and friends from all over can contribute to your order so you can do that!!!

(Nice plug for my bus huh?)

take care my friend. I am finally back from a hectic weekend. And can catch up on your blog. then maybe mine. :0)
