Tuesday, April 8, 2008


What can I say? The boys have been extremely industrious today. I ran to a friends house for 1/2 an hour, 30 minutes, and this cave-like fort is what I returned home to. Yes, that is a chair on the couch.

Ken had a good nap, I guess.


Colleen said...

Ken's a bit mad. Seems the plant I just bought and repotted was underneath this pile.


Bobbie said...

Can't tell by the picture. Wish I had pictures of some of the things you kids did.

JunesHGP said...

Thank goodness. Finally a picture that shows that you do in fact have 3 boys that live there!!

My living room ALWAYS looks like that!


Anonymous said...

Good one kids! Yikes about the plant!

-Aunt Kellis