Saturday, April 5, 2008


Envision Corey, if you will, who can barely clear two inches when jumping with all his power. He sees the hopscotch I'd drawn out earlier, which Shannon extended all the way up to block number nineteen. Knowing this is Corey, you could assume that he would either:

A) Ignore it completely.
B) Walk alongside and read off the numbers.
C) Ask you if you remember the time you saw the
'Speed Limit 5' cake.

But for some reason today Corey absolutely shocked me. He got down in a squat and with all of his might hopped the hopscotch all the way to number 19. Granted, he didn't split his legs when he got to the squares that were next to each other, but he made sure to hit each one. It was so cute, so 'big boy' of him, and also a very cheap alternative to our one hundred dollar a week (after insurance adjustment) physical therapy.


Laura said...

I like your updated info on the right hand side. In the pic of you and Ken holding Carly, you look sooo much like your mom. Love the pic of Corey in the flower pot!

JunesHGP said...

I didn't even get that far yet - i will have to go look at new pictures...but IF Corey should ever tire of hopscotch...maybe you could make up your own version using sign shapes!!

Anonymous said...

Ms. Laura,

We all look horrible in that picture, but it was one of the few pictures of Carley that didn't make her look bad. That was the worst day of my life, but the only time we ever got to hold her.

I wish the 'footprints' were in actual size, you just couldn't fathom how little they really were!

Anonymous said...

Weenie, I love you! Glad to see Corey can jump now!

-Aunt Kells