Saturday, June 7, 2008

Hail and Wind

Hey, Michigan finally got a turn! Our sirens went off twice last night, at 4:30, right after Riley got off the bus, and at 5:30, just before Shannon's T-Ball game was scheduled to start. The first sirens came with a few semi-wicked clouds and an obvious cold front with somewhat accelerated winds. I was watching in the street the entire time, but there was no obvious rotation or anything. A quick two-minute rain spurt sent me inside, where the boys were oblivious to any meteorological happenings and happily playing video games and watching cartoons.

Then Ken came home... he wanted to chase but everything had been winding down, the last phase set to hit our area soon. He cranked the local news, turned on a radio to the weather reports, and had the kids in a stir in no time. The reports were showing the storm's approach, and we watched for it outside. Obvious bands of rain were coming down nearby and heading right for us, and the wind picked up noticeably. At about 5:30, we watched from the front storm door as the rain intensified and the ping-ping of hail started to occur.

Mommy was all excited and Daddy was keeping his ear out for the TV reports and hoping for something interesting. All at once, the hail was a little more than a ping, the winds turned the rain horizontally, visibility dropped to zero, and the sirens went off. Dang. Somebody had to take the boys to the basement, and that fell to me. We were all content until the radio started saying "Tornado Warning, Tornado Warning" and started doing the "This is not a test..." Then the lights flickered, the TV lost power and came back on with a beep... beep... beep... With the public service warning blaring, Corey came unglued. Ken yelled for the all clear at the same time and Riley came unglued as well.

The next half-hour was spent calming the boys, trying to get them to eat on nervous stomachs, and insisting that Shannon quit scaring his brothers by mentioning storms, tornadoes and lightning. Finally, I went out to survey the damage to the yard and snap some pictures. Here's the hail and my sad, sad flowers, the big downfall to exciting weather:

Hail. It stuck around for over an hour after the storms moved on.

More hail. The bigger pieces were nickle sized.

Hard to see, but my big bushes were decapitated in a perfectly straight line, excluding the portions that had been smashed into the ground.

Here's my Cat-mint that I'd been so proud of before the storm.

My Cat-mint after the storm. Bummer.

Then we decided to check out the neighborhood to see what else may have been messed up. Let me mention that these trees always looked weak and sickly, so it really wasn't much of a surprise...

Heather's house. House across from Heather's.

Did I mention that the homeowner's girlfriend suggested he not park directly under this tree as she knew storms were rolling in? He moved it to the end of the driveway, the storms hit, and this was their near miss. Good thinking, girlfriend! Actually there's two downed trees in there. And that was the worst of it.


Bobbie said...

Your cat mint may not be permently damaged. It may straighten up after a day or two. Aren't those the only trees of any size in your neighborhood? I meant, weren't. A guy at work just calls hail hard snow. Appropriate for Michigan.

Anonymous said...

Wow, your hail does look like snow. Michigan is weird. Anyway, glad to see that you could experience sirens again. I know you and Ken miss the spring NE weather!

We are in for storms for about the next 5 nights. We are in a watch again... We'll see what happens.


Colleen said...

Hey Colleen! Colleen here! Just got your comment on my blog....guess we have a few things in common. How cool! My 6 year old has been very fearful of tornadoes lately, and any kind of wind really. For about a week she didn't want to play outside at all. Ken and I found ourselves describing the benefits of wind to our daughter. Not a conversation we'd ever imagined needing to have! Ahhh...parenthood!

How cool that your kids are 5, 6, and 7. Bet it was insane when they were 0, 1, and 2!

Laura said...

Nice looking hail. Cary wants it to hail on our roof. For some strange reason, he wants a new roof. There's nothing wrong with our roof, so let's not press our luck. I think we've had enough unexpected issues lately and we could do without another.

I guess my parents got hail the other night for an hour straight. Hope yours didn't last that long.


Anonymous said...

Weenie, Denny said it was really snow, and that you don't know any better! You've been in Michigan too long.
