Monday, June 2, 2008


"Hmmm.... that looks really good," Ken says as I walk into the living room in his over sized Buckeye jersey.

"Yeah, makes for great pajamas," I reply. "At least it's being worn."

The next morning the kids get in the tub and notice my shirt as they slowly come to. "Mom, you're a ten!" observes Shannon. The number on my jersey is, in fact, a ten.

Riley looks up with a big smile on his face, sees that I am wearing a Buckeye jersey rather than a Nebraska jersey, and is immediately crestfallen. "Aaawww......"

"Calm down, Riley, you know I'm a Husker. Besides, I'm just wearing it to sleep in. Nobody's going to see me in it," I assure him.

"Okay... hey, Mom? When the Buckeyes play the Huskers, how do they tell each other apart?" Riley asks.

Good question. I'm too tired to explain home and away jerseys. "I bet they get really confused," I answer and start washing their hair.

1 comment:

Bobbie said...

If they have questions you can't answere, just direct them to Uncle Casey. He will come up with something they will understand right away. We might not, but they will.