Anyhow, it was huge and pretty and if you click on the picture to enlarge it, you may even see that it was a double rainbow. It's more noticeable at the bottom of the rainbow. These were taken from my backyard after a three-minute rain shower. And that was our total rainfall for the week.
What IS newsworthy, however, is that fact that my honey turned 39 today! He should be home in about 45 minutes, when half the neighborhood should be here armed and ready to attack him with water balloons, squirt guns, buckets of H2O, and silly string. Assuming any of them remember!
UPDATE ON KEN'S ATTACK: Highly successful. Once again, no pictures, I was too busy throwing water balloons. Ken pulled up, drove on the grass to avoid obstacles in driveway, then noticed neighbor with the hose as he began to open his car door. We told him he had no choice but to come out, so he did. For about ten minutes he was pelted with massive amounts of water and water balloons, as well as an occasional squirt of silly string.
Thanks to Heather and Kaeley for filling up balloons with me, (have fun in Cali!,) and Jesse, Chris, Lisa, Tiffany, Matt and ALL the kids who came by to help; Aaron, the twins, Anna, Karli, Allyson, Sean, Shannon, Riley and Corey. Hope I didn't forget anyone. Ken was stoked, I mean soaked!
Send rainbow, I will send rain.
Getting Ken was so much fun yeaterday. I hope Ken enjoyed soaking me because as you know I am the "i don't want to get wet" Queen when it comes to your almost daily water balloon fights. So that will be the one and only time I get soaked by him and have a smile on my face about it. Love you guys and will miss you while we are gone. Sorry Colleen no time to take care of the brows, just enough time to read your blog before I go!
See ya-
Happy Belated Birthday Ken! I hope it was a great one!!
Happy late Brithday Ken! Hope you had a great day.
Colleen, love your new "overheard at our house" comments!
ugh. i finally get to read a blog. maybe i will even post on mine for a change.
Hope Ken had a good bday and enjoyed his gift.
ready for it to not be so busy around here.
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