So we went to Splash Universe in Shipshewana, IN, this weekend for Shannon's birthday outing. It's an indoor waterpark/hotel that was perfect for kids aged 5, 6, and 7. If only the boy's had behaved perfectly... Here's a good indication of what we put up with on the drive and anytime the boys were within three feet of each other throughout the weekend:
This is the base of two three-story tunnel slides, that's Riley and Corey in the foreground, and Ken and Shannon exiting the tunnel in the background. We all went on this ride numerous times, even Corey! He kept asking to go down by himself, a request frequently answered with, "Heck, no!"
Here's the birthday boy attempting to look innocent.
There was a toddler pool that was only 8'' deep, and it was full of little contraptions such as these. They held Corey's attention for a little while and allowed me to relax a little.
The hotel also offered all kinds of activities. It had a disco area, arcade, free puppet shows, and even an ice cream eating contest. Ken talked Riley into participating, and Riley's tummy hasn't been the same since.
Did I mention no spoons and no hands?
And finally, the hotel also had a NEOS machine, which encourages kids to exercize with a 15 foot panel containing various light games. Shannon and Corey could not get enough.
And if somebody would just donate one to me, Corey's days of Physical Therapy would be long gone!
Colleen, I just want to say on behalf of all the other mothers out there, you stink!!!(JK)
YOU LOOK AMAZING! I would not be caught dead in a bikini like that. Pregnancy has done some cruel things to my body. You are one of the few lucky ones out there who still look fantastic after children! (Insert cat call here!!!)
It seems like you had a great time on the family trip! I wish they had something like that where we are. Mateo would LOVE it!
You know I look like a cow, you're just saying that because all pregnant women feel fat and sloppy. (Well, at least I did while I was preggo!)
Leigh, you look good being dragged down a hallway by your shirt collar. (I've seen this, it's true!) You wake up in the morning, comb your fingers through your hair, skip the makeup, throw on whatever's nearby and look like you could walk a runway.
:p to you
All true, both of you. Face it, you are both hot mamma's!
Looks like you and the family had lots of fun :).
I had to chuckle a little at the rescue. When we were visiting friends in Minnesota my son did the same thing only in 6' of water. He forgot he didn't have the arm floties on and jumped in. He couldn't swim yet and luckily I was in the water to grab him. He scared the hell out of
PS: Nice bathing suit ;)
You're funny, ND!
The sad thing is that I used to be a lifeguard and coach of the swim team, yet my children flounder in water and often end up being rescued. Talk about frustrating!
My only curse in life is that I always speak the truth :)
They must have gotten their swimming skills from their dad? haha
We have got to go together and do this one weekend! My kids would have a blast, maybe even Kaeley. Looks like you guys had an awesome time. And you do look HOT HOT HOT in your bikini. (Hey isn't that a Cure song?) They must have wrote it all about you!
See ya,
What a special Family! Vacations are memory makers...glad you have many memories of this trip. My family and friends went a month ago. Kids had so much fun in the water park. They loved he dance party while we were there. We had the family fun suite, which was really nice. Of course, the pizza party for 9 was in our room! We took advantage of the breakfast buffet. Fill everyone up and play all day. The resort has good options on food service, besides the bunk bed rooms has the micro and refridge, and easy access for snacks back at the room. Like your family, we had a great time, can't wait to return!
What is it about water parks?
They always look wet and cold.
Nobody had too much clothes on.
Where are the sweats and heavy clothing?
I always get chilled just looking at the pictures, and can't imagine anyone having fun.
So why do the pics look like everyone is having fun?
Do you suppose it is a grandma's "cold blooded syndrom" thing?
Colleen -
looks like everyone beat me to it - and you will likely never post a picture of yourself again - but dang girl. you look FINE!!!!!!!
My body has not fared (sp?) so well...but I am in the process of trying to shape it back up.
You ALL look like you are having one heck of a fantastic time. We are hoping to get to something like that here real soon.
love ya
Remember sweating your butt off at the Bob Devany Center while you worked the big swim meets? That's how warm it was at Splash Universe. Even you would have gotten in the water.
Why don't I beleive you?
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