Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Getting Ready

Things are picking up around here with the back to school scene. We had the Open House on Tuesday night and all went well. I let myself be suckered into doing two volunteer PTO events already and school hasn't even started! (It's easy when one of your closest friends is hyper-involved and will be working right next to you...)

The boy's are bored stiff and now we're all excited for school to start - not just me anymore! Shannon is keeping track of the back-to-school countdown even better than I am at this point. In my boredom, I've been crazy enough to venture out to the grocery store with all three boys TWO times this week. If you know me, you know that I NEVER take even one child with me to the grocery store. Desperate times call for desperate measures, I guess. It's that lame around here.

Yesterday Corey's bus driver called to inform me that I'll get an extra fifteen minutes of sleep each day, as he had to completely readjust his drop-off route to accommodate all 40 kindergartners that will be riding his bus. I quickly processed this information and blurted out, "You are screwed!" (I know this driver fairly well, and I just couldn't stop myself!) He went from 18 kids last year to 40 this year. Kindergartners. Tired after 4 hours of school, hungry for their lunches, and reluctant to sit up in their seats and speak quietly. Ugg.

Well, off to type up a list of Corey's behaviors that his new teacher will have to struggle with this year. Corey has always done well in small classrooms with understanding teachers, and now he's at a new school where nobody understands his quirks. (Like a music teacher knowing that you can't play a CD at an audible volume or Corey will cover his ears and whine...) I'm supposed to have a teacher-liaison for this but I have yet to hear from him/her. It should be interesting...


Anonymous said...

Just to set the record straight for anyone who reads Colleen's Blog, she is very willing to help with the PTO and volunteers herself to do things without even being asked. She loves it and she knows it. Don't let her fool you.

-Heather (very hyper-involved close friend of Colleen's)

Colleen said...

I'm lovin' it... sounds like a Mickey D's commercial Prez!

Anonymous said...

Spencer's school has 180+ kindergartners this year! There are 9 teachers. Sounds like chaos to me. Good luck to the bus driver!


JunesHGP said...

Griffin's school had 6 Kindergarten classroom's ths year!

Anonymous said...

Kindergarteners are everywhere!
