Sunday, August 3, 2008

August, the Longest Month

The grass is brown, the boys are constantly fighting, and I have not one ounce of patience left. It must be August.

Is it time for school to start yet?

We have been really busy lately and the kids aren't sleeping as much as they should be. It's only going to get worse as we're heading to Ohio on Tuesday and then up to Grammie's cabin on Lake Erie for the weekend. Fun, long days and tired, grumpy boys, I'm sure.

After that busy week, I'll have to start putting the kids back on their school schedule since the first day is slowly approaching, (September 2.) It's going to be a bit difficult, the sun's still up at 8:30 pm when I'll be trying to get the boys to sleep. And then there's the fact that I hate mornings, so I won't want to wake up at 7:00 am, which is when the boys have to get moving on a school day.

Other than that it's just a series of long, hot, dry and irritable days in Michigan.


Anonymous said...

School starts August 19th here. Have fun! Donata

Bobbie said...

Pretty soon you will wonder why you even wanted school to start.

Hectic mornings !!!!!!

Colleen said...

That is EXACTLY what happens.

That, and I'm expected to get so much more done since I'm by myself for four hours. I thought that time was when I was supposed to catch up on sleep but Ken doesn't agree.

When school start, I have tons of PTO data entry to do, I want to stain the playset and deck, and I need to pull out and size all winter gear, we've got to sanitize and silicone the garage, winterize the mower... all things I must attack in 4 hour increments.

On top of all that, I should be able to maintain the housework to visit-ready levels, and attempt to actually COOK (yikes) a real dinner for each night since our routine will return.

It's nothing compared to what mother's of your generation did, but it's enough for me!

JunesHGP said...

9 days and counting.

Colleen said...

Just wrong June.

30 days and counting, screaming, begging, fighting, whining, traveling, cleaning...

Anonymous said...

August 20th here! Two weeks and two days.


Anonymous said...

Screaming, whining, begging, .....,Oh, that's the kids.

Colleen said...


Well, a bit of me, too. As for the kids, you'll get to experience this personally in about eight hours.

Good luck because I'm dropping them off and running away...