Sunday, August 17, 2008

Target Practice

Ken was up way too late last night and ended up falling asleep on the couch. This is very frustrating for the rest of us as Daddy takes up too much room, gets upset if the boys are too loud, and most importantly, gets too grumpy when you try to wake him up.

I tried to convince him to wake up verbally, enticing him with exciting things that we'd planned to do today, but Ken wasn't having it. The kids refuse to try to wake him up because past experience has shown that Daddy is just too mean when he's tired. So there we were, stuck with Daddy sleeping on our couch at 11:00 in the morning. What to do?

Loud enough for Daddy to hear, I instructed the boys to get the living room cleaned up. We had a multitude of miniature toys scattered about, from legos, to hotwheels, to pokemon cards. Pick it all up, they were told, then gently throw them at Daddy. The only rule was that they couldn't hit Daddy in the head, but any other body part was fair game.

Between the toys bouncing off his body, the hysterical laughing of the boys, and my encouraging instructions, ("See if you can get anything to stay on that big 'ol belly!") Daddy slowly came around. It seemed like we were about ready to get our day going. The boys finished picking up the living room, I cleaned up the kitchen, and Daddy ate a bowl of cereal. We were moving!

Uh-oh, what's that? The boys have dispersed, Mommy's messing around on-line, and Daddy... he's laying in the recliner, eyes heavy, and nearly unresponsive. Phase two is about to go down, this time I'm thinking pillows...

1 comment:

JunesHGP said...

sounds fun...maybe I should try it.