Saturday, February 28, 2009
Happy Birthday Old Lady!
If you think really hard, you may be able to figure out just how old she is... HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Going Where Things are Bigger
It's going to be 89 degrees in San Antonio on Sunday according to the Weather Channel. That means I should be wearing shorts. Shorts I no longer fit into since I've piled on 13 pounds over the winter. They say 'Everything's Bigger in Texas,' so hopefully we'll go shopping and I can find some summer clothes that fit?
Friday, February 20, 2009
The 'Ol Poet Brought Back a Memory
After a prayer, everybody opened up a beautiful paper container and thousands of butterflies took flight simultaneously. The beauty and significance of it was surreal, an image nearly impossible to convey to people who weren't there. My father, however, nailed it in this poem he wrote yesterday. This is the story of what our butterfly, released for Carley, actually did to her surviving twin brother Corey.
The Butterfly
By Old Irish
Your parents opened up the box and sunlight filtered in.
She fluttered to your baby face, this butterfly, your twin.
She kissed you on your tiny lips, and said you'd be O.K.
She stayed with you a little while, before she flew away.
And as she left she hovered,
Gave Mom and Dad a nod.
Then fluttered back to Heaven,
To spend more time with God.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Six Years Ago Today...
The doctors said Corey wouldn't make it. Bruised all over his body, a little 1 lb. 9 oz. wimpy white boy with crappy lungs and a grade IV brain bleed, there was no hope. Daddy didn't believe it and demanded just one more ultrasound before we made our final decisions. Thank God for Daddy.
What Corey put up with in the NICU just to prove those doctors wrong. Two months on the high frequency vent, waiting for Mommy to finally get a chance to hold him. Three surgeries, sixteen chest tubes, one crazy moment when Corey pulled his own intubation tube out, feedings by the milliliter, and lots of visitors in and out; it was a busy time for Corey.
Finally, after three months; home on oxygen, nurses and therapists in and out the door. Trips to the clinic, sleep apnea monitors going off all night long, oxygen tubes draped across the ceiling so Corey could play in the living room with his brothers. One time Corey drank 4 oz. in one feeding. It only happened once.
After six months, the monitor and the oxygen were gone and nurses quit coming. Corey grew. He stared at things that spun, he stared at his two little fingers. He giggled at his brothers. He refused to drink milk. He started wearing eye patches. His AFO's came soon after, colorful braces to wear on his legs.
By the age of two he could sit up. He crawled along tile floors, hypnotized by any straight grout line he could find. He was not quite walking if I recall, but just about. He loved toys that lit up. A few months later, he decided that he really could talk. It was sentences from the start. Within a year, he'd learned the alphabet by staring (he REALLY liked staring,) at his wooden ABC blocks. A few months later he was reading and forever asking, "What's that say?"
He hopped on a bus and started school the day after his third birthday. He caught on quickly and was the darling of his elementary school. He learned the Pledge of Allegiance and Calendar in no time flat. He loved reading all of the signs in his school building, pointing them out every time he passed them by. Every time.
A few years later and it's February 19, 2009, and Corey is a BIG boy, sailing through Kindergarten, finally writing out all those words he learned to read so long ago. An ace with the computer and a pain in his brothers' sides. He's still the cute little boy that all the big kids fawn over at school; everybody knows Corey. He's the littlest in his class even though he finally made the charts at the doctors office a month ago. (5th percentile in height. Woo-hoo!)He's sweet, he's smart, and he will talk your ear off. He's healthy and he's clumsy. His vision and coordination aren't the best, but he'll shrug off a full frontal collision into a wall without batting an eye. (Unless you witness his accident, then he might go for a little snuggle before being distracted by something more important than you.)
And today Corey is SIX. Six, that's BIG BOY age, people. He's the same age as his big brother so that means he's almost an adult. And he gets to go to Kalahari this weekend, because he's SIX. So there! (Think Corey when you read this paragraph...)
So, okay, Trouble, I mean Corey, Mommy hopes you have the happiest Sixth Birthday ever!
And Happy Birthday to Carley, too.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Rough Night
The shame, the humiliation, the hour of tears (some real, some crocodile,) after Shannon came home and confessed. It wore us all out!
Once peace had been restored, the boys were sent to the basement to clean, a task they had been forewarned of over 24 hours ago. Naturally, squabbling ensued. By the third time Corey screamed out in pain from one of Shannon's taunts (it sounded like real pain this time,) I was done. I ran downstairs to see what was the matter and there was Corey doubled over in pain clutching his privates. "It was an accident, an accident, I swear!" Shannon yelled, (for the third time, did I mention?)
Hell hath no fury like a Mom with an injured child who is already one short of a pair in this regard (poor Corey, prematurity was rough on him.) I went off. Corey whimpered in pain from Shannon's kick. Shannon recoiled in shame clutching an aching ear from my screaming. Riley, in complete shock, insisted that I needed to have a visit with a Priest. NOW.
Confession. Eight year-olds can be so insightful.
Monday, February 16, 2009
Saturday, February 14, 2009
My Valentines
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Maybe it's because I know that the high on Thursday will be 32 degrees. Or maybe it's the state of the economy. Or maybe I'm in this funk due to the fact that my husband bought this #$!^&* snowmobile without my knowledge?
It's 60 degrees outside, people!!! This useless machine is taking up space in my garage!!! We live in the suburbs, not the arctic!!! For the life of me, I don't understand this purchase!
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Sir Mix-A-Lot is in the House
After wiggling his rear and two little hops, Corey breaks into song yelling, "I LIKE BIG BUTTS..."
I. Was. Mortified. And my husband needs to come up with a different song to sing when I walk into a room looking plump in any way.
(DISCLAIMER: Please don't click on the link if you don't know the song Baby Got Back or if you have any kind of sensitive ears.)
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Plugging Ears. I Mean Shutting Eyes.
Anyhow, I asked Shannon what the name of the band was and he excitedly told me, "Shutting Eyes! You know why? 'Cuz we play with our eyes shut!" Ah, it all makes sense to me now...
Monday, February 2, 2009
Cortney, the Marine
Way to go, Cort!