So I pull up to the house yesterday to a bunch of kids (Ken and the adult neighbor included,) working hard on Igloo construction. I must say, I was totally impressed. This thing is far taller than me and over 10 feet wide. Three adults, five children, two snow blowers, three shovels, one ice breaker and numerous buckets were used in the creation of this monster.
That's Riley at 4 feet tall standing at the front entrance. Riley and Anna standing up inside the Igloo.
Ken, Riley, and Anna sitting inside, there's plenty of room for more!
The Igloo was finally complete when I added the flag this morning.
The flag makes it complete! Wow, thats a LOT of snow!
I think Ken will add another flag, just maybe.
Hmm... doubt it. (He would have done it by now.)
(Make sure, Papa and everybody else, to ask Ken how he lost a $10 bet with me! I LOVE it when I'm right!)
Don't let it cave in on anybody!
Love you all. Also, what's up with all of Ken's facial hair?
Kels, Ken said to tell you that he wanted to shave the beard but his girlfriend talked him out of it. Apparently she's smitten with it.
WAY COOL - if Mike sees this, you know he will try to compete.
Green with envy! Sigh... all of that snow. We have NOTHING but freezing cold air. I either want tons of snow or spring. It is the only time of year that the Northern Ohio girl comes out in me-living in Southern Ohio that freaks if they get a dusting of the white stuff.
Brrrrr, but I love the flag.
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