I'm pretty sure I win the 2009 Bad Parenting Award. Just ask my son Shannon.
Yesterday I was crazy busy, I ran to the store, ran to the school, wrapped a birthday present, planted 16 sets of mums, and entertained a yard/house full of neighborhood kids for most of the evening. Today the boys woke me up shortly after the sun made it's appearance and I was tired. I still had 12 plants to put in the ground so early this afternoon I set to work, made lunch, then checked out some news feeds and decided at 4:00 that it was time to get in the shower.
Mid-lather my heart just stopped and I was overcome by a sickening feeling. That birthday present that I had wrapped the day before? It was for Shannon's BEST FRIENDS birthday party that took place this afternoon at 2:00. It was ending just as I stepped out of the shower. Oops.
So I woke my husband up and told him what I did, and he said that I probably should tell Shannon what he'd missed out on, "But you should wait half an hour so that I'm on my way to work when Shannon begins to throw a fit." Thanks for the backup, there, honey!
After Ken left, I decided that the boys were behaving pretty well and ignorance is bliss so I didn't mention my little snafu. Time passed and soon the boys were heading up to bed. The house grew quiet and I was certain that I had dodged a bullet for the day when all of the sudden I heard a great big wail descending the stairs. At 10:15 tonight, my son came hurtling down the stairs crying, "
MOOOOOOOMM! You forgot to take me to my best friends birthday party!!!"