Friday, June 26, 2009

Rough Start

It's going to be a long day. I won't go into detail about what precipitated this note; suffice to say that it would just lead you all to think I'm a crappy Mother. Anyhow, here's a note from Riley, folded up into airplanes and sent sailing up the stairs after he was sent to his room for the day:


I might kick myself out of the house! I bet it would be a MUCH better world without me!

From Riley

P.S. I will not tell you where I am!


Anne said...

I already threatened to sell my toddler on Ebay during her second temper tantrum in a neighbor's front yard- the tantrums caused by me having to drag her by her shirt out of 2 people's homes as I tried to politely deliver jam to them. Must be a full moon, or the heat is making the kids crazy.

Send him a note back that says "Please just make sure when you come home from your trip, you bring mommy a big bottle of premixed Jose Cuervo Margaritas."

Anonymous said...

Goodness! Did you end up finding the little guy?


Anonymous said...

Did you put him in solitary confinement?

-Guess Who?

Colleen said...

1) Love the idea of sending him a note back.

2) He never actually left, it was an empty threat.

3) Empty threat on my part, too. 1 hour in their rooms, then I took them swimming because I was going nuts.