Thursday, October 22, 2009

School's Out

School is supposed to get out for the summer on June 18, 2010. Our district has cancelled classes due to illness for most of this week, Tuesday through Friday to be exact. I'm guessing that if we have a typical winter, we'll be seeing summer vacation sometime after Independence Day.

I am actually ill with something, Ken went through something a week ago, Corey may be sick or it could just be that he is (and always has been,) a snot factory, and Shannon may be ill or he could just be suffering from the earache-allergy mess that he is constantly contending with. The unifying factor for all of us is snot, chest congestion, coughs, and one day (or more) of headaches and the runs. None of us have had fevers, we are just generally miserable. Riley, though, has been 100% through it all.

If this is H1N1, I have to say it's not too big of a deal. I guess we'll never know because Ken's doctor didn't even suspect it, other local doctors won't test for it, and none of us are sick enough to necessitate a trip to the doctor. Now, if all of us were to start spontaneously and simultaneously barfing for a week straight and refusing food like we did a few years ago when Grammie came for her unfortunate visit, I might consider a trip to the doctor. But for now, a trip to Walgreen's for some allergy meds, pain killers and kleenex is the only excursion in my future.


Anonymous said...

Hang in there sissie. I just saw on FB that one of my friend's sister is in the hospital with H1N1, and they medically induced coma and she's on a respirator.

Another guy's son is struggling with H1N1 and asthma.

Perspective I tell ya.


Anonymous said...

P.S. I anybody's lips turn blue, call 911. I worry about Corey especially.

-Aunt Kells

Colleen said...

I heard, (not substantiated,) that it's hitting super healty people really hard because their immune systems hyper attack the lungs because they're not used to fighting lung illness. Anybody hear that one?

If that's the case, Ken, Shannon, Corey and I are for sure okay. ;-)

Bobbie said...

Very little of that serious stuff out there that is killing people. Take normal precautions and this too will pass.

Anonymous said...

Colleen, you are correct in that. Also, if you have any kind of risk factors (pregnant, asthma, etc.) it is worse.


Anne said...

We're post-fever with it, down in Ohio, and it seems like it wasn't that severe. The lingering cough, though, is rough, and I can see the respiratory part of it is much worse than the typical flu stuff. I think we either just got lucky, or else whatever hit our house isn't H1N1 but we'll never know. Most places are refusing to test.

Glad you are all doing better and made it through fine- especially Corey.

Bobbie said...

Is anyone well yet? I know Colleen still sounds BAD!

Colleen said...

I always get this way this time of year, I'm going to go request (uh, DEMAND a Z-Pack tomorrow if I can get in to see a doctor.)

Corey is still a little snotty, once again, par for the course, nothing more than usual. Shan is fine if he gets his Singular in him each morning. Riley coughed twice the other night. (Should I be worried? ;-) )

Still thinking this is just cold/allergy gunk in our house, no fevers at all.