Sunday, October 4, 2009


My husband, Ken, was being exceptionally sweet today, and while I have my suspicions as to why, (hunting and snowmobiling right around the corner, staying out half the night last night, or maybe the poignant homily at Mass this morning about strong marriages,) his attitude was bound to expire at some point.

We had a great morning and this afternoon I ran the boys around in search of Halloween costume ideas. As we headed out the door, Ken pointed out the hole in the rear of my (one pair of GOOD) jeans, and suggested I take the time to go buy some new ones while I was out. He also recommended I get a new pair of boots, as the sole was flopping around on the pair I was wearing. Ooooookay...

After a few hours of scouting out stores for costumes, I returned home empty handed save a few pieces of junk from the dollar store. Noticing the fact that I hadn't bought myself a thing, (and the fact that it was raining sporadically so hunting was out,) he told me to head out by myself and not to return without some new clothes. Oooookay...

I returned home a few hours later with two pairs of jeans and a pair of boots but minus $250, and we had supper and got the boys to bed. Ken decided to run to the store for his hunting license and I hinted that if he arrived home with a bag of Dove Chocolates today would just be too good to be true.

Ken returned home shortly thereafter but I noticed right away that there were no Dove Chocolates on his person. I asked him if he'd forgotten about my request and he looked at me and smiled. "You just spent $250 on two new pairs of jeans, and now you want me to buy you MORE chocolate so you can get even fatter and rip the butt out of those new ones too?" he asked.

Just before I smacked the crap out of him he ran to the car and grabbed the hidden bag of chocolates. And I'm not mad, just so you know, but sometimes the truth stings a little.


Bobbie said...

Where DO you shop girl ????

Colleen said...

I have to get my jeans at the Buckle out here! $102 for one pair, $79 for the other. Oh, and I used up a Buckle Card so I got $10 off. I know it's rediculous, and that's why I only buy jeans every two years!

Anonymous said...

Now that was a funny blog post!


Anne said...

That sounds like something my husband would say....but at least he bought the chocolates, right?

We had a huge discussion about The Buckle, and their fantastic jeans, at our last Girls Weekend. Good choice!

And I have a few favorite pairs with holes in the butt, but they are where the pockets attach, and it's because my kids hang on my pockets. Has nothing to do with my ass to chocolate intake ratio. I'm guessing yours is the same.

JunesHGP said...
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JunesHGP said...

two thumbs up.
1) ken being so nice
2) you writing such a good blog

two thumbs down...
I dont care how GOOD a pair of jeans looks - seriously $102?!?!?!? We are NOT in HS anymore!!!!!!!!!! WOW.

(and you balked at the prices of Boy Scout popcorn?!?!?) hehehehe

Colleen said...

Yes, June, but you are NOT 5'11" and have NO IDEA how hard it is to find a long inseam! (And I've been shrinking, it was even harder when I was 6'!)

I should have made a trip to NE and made a point of going to the Fort, though. ;-P

And Anne, the holes in mine are right off the pockets, too, and I wish I could say the kids had a hand in it but my butt is growing exponentially. This one is all on me.

Anonymous said...

When a person shrinks, it's their spine, not their legs. So, once you need talls, you will ALWAYS need talls.

But, I'm with June, $102 bucks? I can't afford it.


Colleen said...

According to my a chiropractor and another doctor (who was shocked by my perfect bone density test,)my joints compressed and my pelvis is 1" lower on one side, something about having three kids in three years....

Colleen said...
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Colleen said...

... and if you average it out, I spend $90 a year on jeans and MAYBE $40 on tops, I'm sure everybody here spends more than that on their wardrobes each year!

JunesHGP said...

Sorry. I didn't mean to start something.

Go eat a DOVE chocolate.

Colleen said...

Don't worry J-bug, nothing got started, I must have forgot to add this:


Anonymous said...

I ate a Dove chocolate today. It was pretty tasty. Anyway, yes child birth messes up a woman's body. My bone by the tailbone (but not the actual tailbone) shifted majorly while I was PG.
