The boys felt good enough to go watch their Dad's softball game last night, and we all actually enjoyed ourselves in the warm 75 degree weather. Daddy had 5 RBI's, including a home run for 3 points. In the outfield, well, he's had better days. Throughout the game the boys had a blast playing on and under the bleachers, hanging out in the dug-out, and even taking turns at being bat-boys. Daddy's team actually won the game, too, 8-7. This doesn't always happen.
The seedlings I'd previously mentioned are doing really well. Well, 3/4 of them are. If you look at the pot, you'll see what happens when you dump 1 1/2 packets of seeds into a small space. I gotta do something about that...
And then there's the flat that didn't really take. These were from seeds I'd harvested last year and most likely stored improperly. Can anyone tell me, is this a perennial plant or a couple blades of grass? If it's just grass, I still have time to tear up the tray and put in some more seeds...
I'd put two Cat-mint plants in by the mailbox last year, and they are now going nuts! I've had so many compliments and inquiries about them this spring, I'm thinking of writing a description of them, complete with name and care instructions, (put in ground, forget about them, whack them back when they get too tall,) on my mailbox along with directions to the local nursery. They are gorgeous, though:
And here's how my little flower bed by the house is coming along. You can't see the Cat-mint plant very well because the wind smashed it down so horribly that I had to whack 1 1/2 feet off of it already. It hadn't even bloomed yet! I also have 7 Black-Eyed-Susan plants, which had originally only been 3. Those things multiply faster than rabbits!
Yeah, that's me toasting marshmallows in an oven. The kids sorta ate them... well, Corey said they were too sticky, Riley said he felt like he was going to throw up after a few bites, and Shannon, the one who really was sick, he ate all of his. Not to worry, though, I finished off Corey's and snuck the remaining chocolate out of what Riley had left behind...
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