Wow. It's been a while since I've done the whole blogging thing. I suppose I should start by apologizing to those who manually check in every now and then instead of subscribing to a feed; to both of you I say, "sorry!" I can't really say I'm too busy for my blog, it's just that when something interesting happens, I'm rarely in a position where I can sit and type it all up. (Especially now that I've discovered that you can briefly sum up your day in one sentence on
Facebook and get immediate feedback. Find me there, people!)
Since February, Ken has been doing a little project which means I've been forced into a working on a project. We pulled the carpet out of our den and put down wood laminate in a
Brazilian Walnut finish. Of course we had to rip out the baseboards to do this, so I had to touch those up and give them another coat of paint. Then the baseboards looked so bright that Ken decided to take off the door trim and the french doors and have me give them a fresh coat of paint, too. In the middle of that I decided to add another coat to my kitchen baseboards because they get so nasty and scuffed, well you can guess how long all of that took.
Right now the floors are down but the trim needs to be replaced. Ken insists that the dark blue walls look good with the darker flooring, but I'm debating (in my own mind) whether I should change the color of the room or not. Whatever I decide, it's not going to happen anytime soon I'm sure.
I did finally get off my butt and got a little job lined up. Well two jobs actually. I just started subbing in the cafeteria for the boys' school district- it's physical work that is flexible and never amounts to more than 4 hours a day. This is good because a) after not smoking for 2 1/2 months I've gained just short of 15 pounds and I need to get moving, b) I can reject any work I want to and it wont be held against me, and c) I still have a good two hours each day to dedicate to cleaning the house and cooking nutritious meals for the boys when they come home from school each day.
(One of those selections was complete BS, I'll let you guess which one I'm referring to.)In another week or so I should also be cleared to work in our school district, as well as a few surrounding districts, as an
axillary worker, para-pro, or a (don't choke here,) substitute teacher. Anyone who knows me as a parent will say, "ARE YOU CRAZY???" regarding the substitute teaching. A few people who knew me before children, back when I had that naive 'I can change the world' mentality and actually declared my (first) collegiate major in Teacher's Ed with emphasis in Special Education, will maybe see a little potential here. My take on it? Well I met all the qualifications to be a sub, so I filled in the circle for it on the application thinking, "What the heck?" We'll see if I ever respond to any actual teaching requests, though.
I'd post some pictures on here to at least give you something to look at but my camera is seriously on it's last leg. It will let me take about five pictures and then the batteries die on me. I do have a couple of interesting pictures on my camera phone, they look stellar at 1" x 1 1/2," but worthless at 4" x 6". Hopefully I can rectify this situation by Easter, and it must be rectified for sure before Shannon's First Communion! Maybe the Easter Bunny will hide a new camera in a golden egg for me? Yeah, I doubt it, too.