Monday, November 2, 2009

Uh oh.

Well, for a minute there I was worried. Corey (my professional bedtime staller,) just came down and told me he had a headache. Naturally my ears perked up, because that bug that came around and shut the schools down for four days was famous for it's ability to produce strong headaches.

But this is Corey, my naturally snot-filled boy, and it's not uncommon for him to get to where his sinuses are a little backed up which then results in a headache. So I thought I'd research the issue a little more.

"Corey, do you hurt anywhere else?"
Blank stare.
"Maybe my tummy hurts?"
"Corey, do you feel really tired in your muscles, like you don't want to move?"
"Yes. I think I'm having a cold."
"Oh, does it hurt when you breathe?"
"Yes. It hurts."
"Hmm... does it hurt when I touch your back?"
"Oh no! Does it hurt when I lift your leg up or when I push it down?"
"It hurts when you lift my leg up."

Interesting. I hadn't touched his back or his legs.



Bobbie said...

Poor Corey!

He has a hard time learning to be "convincing". Give him a couple of years.

So funny.

Anonymous said...

Ha ha ha....

-Aunt Kells