Wednesday, July 22, 2009

10 Questions (Because I Don't Have the Energy for 20)

#1: Why haven't I blogged in ten days?

#2: Why did my husband leave me a note telling ME to pay his $167 speeding ticket?

#3: Why can't my kids pick up the playroom in the basement like I asked?

#4: Does Riley REALLY want to have a slumber party Saturday night?

#5: If Riley did want to have a slumber party, wouldn't he PICK UP THE DAMN BASEMENT?

#6: What was I thinking when I said Riley could have a slumber party Saturday night?

#7: Will the basement bathroom still be clean by the time Saturday night gets here?

#8: Why do little boys always want to poop in the bathroom that you happen to be cleaning?

#9: Why do little boys always pee all over the clean toilet seats?

#10: Why don't I just go take a nap and forget about cleaning for the rest of the day?


Anonymous said...

And I thought that I had a tough day! Glad you're back; end of story.

Anonymous said...


Riley ;-)

JunesHGP said...

We had one of those days over here too.

Anonymous said...

I am not having the pee problems quite yet....Mateo is still sitting on the potty. But he is fascinated with peeing outside!!! Thanks, Jonathan!!!

Love, Flea

Colleen said...

...Yeah my boys haven't quite gotten over the peeing outside thing.

The other day Riley convinced a new neighbor girl to stand in the kiddie pool in the front yard and pee simultaneously with him. Thankfully (?) they just peed through their clothes.

JunesHGP said...

Ah, yes, peeing outside. Griffin has apparently already taught Colton (who is only about a month or less into potty training) that he can pee outside.
It's quite hilarious.

Anonymous said...

Boys love to pee outside & I am glad you are back. It's about time.


p.s. I really can't answer your questions.