Friday, May 22, 2009

First Warm Day of the Season

The boys have been pistols lately, but here they are yesterday before the big crash and burn. It was such a beautiful day!

Shannon breakdancing. (Ha, ha, get it, his broken foot?) Riley in the road.

Corey being Corey.

Don't give up on me, everybody, school's out on June 13, and then I'll be posting more often. I'm sure that between myself and the three boys, (daddy will be back working 2nd shift, lucky guy,) I'll have some stories for you.


Anonymous said...

Big crash and burn????
Are you talking about sun burn and accidents?


Colleen said...

Oops, I guess that didn't sound too good. The pictures were just before the boys started misbehaving like never before. It's been rough and summer isn't even here yet!

Riley wants everybody to check out his blog, the link is down below.

Bobbie said...

Love the pictures!

Now, just where down below is this link??????

Colleen said...

At the bottom under "What I Might Be Looking At" is a link to Riley's blog.

Just mowed the lawn and filled the pool. I'm thinking water balloons if I have enough energy today.

JunesHGP said...

Well, we might go to his blog more often and many others if you moved them to a more convenient location - than clear at the VERY bottom of this page!!! :0)
Yeah, crash and burn didn't sound too good - esp when you show a picture of Riley running in the road.

I personally think Corey has a future in the plumbing business!!

love ya and miss ya

Bobbie said...

Good comment June !