Saturday, April 11, 2009


At 11:20 PM, the night before Easter, I realize that while I bought a lot of plastic Easter Eggs, I completely forgot to buy candy to put into them. It's going to be a long night...

*** Update #1: No. Way. Ken just called (12:07 AM, Easter morning,) and Walmart is COMPLETELY OUT of Easter candy. Is that even possible?

***Update #2: Meijer is out of Easter candy, too. Seriously? So at 12:30 AM on Easter morning, Ken hit the nearly depleted bulk candy bins (located right next to the dog food!) and got a lame assortment of gummy candies and gum balls. I can't complain, it's more than I managed to get...


Bobbie said...

In this case, the early bird got the candy!

Anonymous said...

For the record... Easter candy was running low in Lincoln too. Although I was able to buy regular candy. Sue verified this as well.


Bobbie said...


Colleen said...

I noticed the same issue at Christmas and Valentines day. They don't want to have to clearance any excess. If they do, they are only marking it down 50% instead of 75% right away.


JunesHGP said...

Back up plan for next year - and my kids don't even complain about it...seriously.

1) Papa Griffin puts teddy grahams, animal crackers and goldfish inside their plastic easter eggs.
2) Gma Edna puts money inside their plastic easter eggs. usually a quarter. Sometimes a dime or a nickle.
3) Then take them to an Easter Egg Hunt - which I found out twice this year (once in lincoln and once in avoca) - does not entail easter eggs at all but candy thrown all over the ground that they get to pick up before someone else steps on it.

Wish I could've helped before hand - but this way you'll be prepared for next year!!

Anonymous said...

Mom, you are correct. Stores DO NOT want to overstock. Plus, the prices are up! Really, $3.99 for easter basket grass? I was appalled.
