Friday, September 19, 2008

Picture Day

I did the one thing that is not recommended by photographers all over the world yesterday afternoon. I took Corey in for a haircut and he ended up with a new hairstyle, the day before school pictures are to be taken. The style involves an amazing amount of hair gel, as well, and styling products and I don't have a very good relationship.

I think I have Corey (and the other boys) looking pretty spiffy, and I'm hoping for three good sets of pictures. This is the only year that all three boys are in the same school, and the only year that, for certain, they will have the same backgrounds in their pictures so I splurged and ordered an 8x10 of each. If the pictures turn out, I might just put them on the wall!

For that to happen, though, the kids will have to keep their hoods off their heads, remain upright on the bus rather than recline and muss up their hair, keep from swiping snot across their faces, avoid bloody noses, put their shirts on correctly (Shannon's was backwards this morning,) sit tall for the camera, avoid lens glare with eyeglasses, avoid eating their snacks on the bus on their way in to school which would result in crumbs all over their faces, and keeping any support staff out of the pictures (Corey's teacher's hair appeared in the pictures one year because she physically had to hold him in position.)

Or mommy should just show up to volunteer to help with picture day so that she can ensure that the boys look polished and don't look so much like.... well, like boys.

I'd better go get ready to head up to school...


Bobbie said...

Two times you never, ever, get the kids hair cut.

#1 - right before pictures...

#2 - right before a trip to Grandma's....

(They just don't look like themselves for a week or so.)

Bobbie said...

Paragraph #3

Were you dreaming when you wrote this?????

JunesHGP said...

NEVER EVER get a haircut before pictures - come on weenie - I thought you knew better than that!!!

And yeah, you must've slipped into a day dream for paragraph three - funny though - did you make it up to the school to help??

I just got Griffin's school pistures back (ya know since we started school 3 weeks earlier than you guys) and his actually turned out pretty darn good - I was quite impressed.