I taught Shannon how to ride a bike without training wheels the other day. I then forced Riley to get on the bike he got for his birthday two years back that he'd never ridden. Why not? Because it has hand brakes.
This fact wasn't too big of a deal until Riley's Dad decided to teach him how to use the hand brakes. His advice? "Whatever you do, don't brake with the front brake only, it'll flip you over the bike and you'll break your neck!" Niiiiice, Ken, and now he wonders why Riley wouldn't go near the bike.
Of course this incident is right up there with Ken yelling, "Everybody be quiet, there's a big storm coming and there might be a tornado!" as the emergency alert sounded on the local TV channel. The boys had had no problems with storms before this incident and now they freak out if it so much as sprinkles!
But I digress. Here are a few pictures of Shannon riding Riley's old bike minus the training wheels:
Getting going.