Thursday, August 21, 2008

9 Long Years

On August 21, 1999, Ken and I got married. Then we got really drunk. (Okay, not really drunk, but it sounded good.) June tried to adjust my train with a safety pin, poked her finger and bled on my wedding dress. My brother threw candy at Ken and I as we tried not to look like idiots on the dance floor. My in-laws seemed really uncomfortable. My parents threw an after-hours party in their hotel room, right next to our suite. Ken and I fell asleep before their party ended. Sound familiar? Anyone?

Wow, that didn't sound too good. I guess you had to be there, it really was a fun day. The blood was under the train, the candy was fairly soft, my in-laws survived, and my parents at least invited us to their party. Some great friends and family travelled quite a long ways to be there and everything went smoothly. Shannon surprised me by showing up all the way from Maryland after she'd told me she couldn't make it. Mom was my bridesmaid and Ken's Dad was his best man. Ken cried right before the wedding, and that was very sweet (or ominous, I'm not sure.)

Anyhow, it's now August 21, 2008, and that makes today our 9th Wedding Anniversary. (I know this because Ken reminded me.) I don't have one of those Hallmark books to tell me what type of gift you give on the 9th year, but I'm hoping it's steak. (That's what I'm getting my husband, two fat steaks for him to cook up for us on the grill. I'm truly a romantic.)

I'm also making the ultimate sacrifice for my darling husband: I'm going to head to Chicago for two days (with a girlfriend) and let Ken have some precious quality time with his three little boys. He gets three kids all to himself, an emptied wallet, and NO nagging. What more could a man want? I'm sure he'll love this gift, now... I wonder what he got for me?


Anonymous said...

Congrats! I commend you on putting up with Ken for 9 years, that is quite an accomplishment. Just kidding, you know I love Ken, especially bald. Anyway, hope you have a nice day and the steaks are good. Let me know if you need me for anything. And I must say I feel very honored to be the one helping you with your anniversary gift to Ken-the gift of you disappearing for a couple days. Its a rough job but somebody's got to do it.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! Where were you married? 1999! That was the same year I celebrated my 50th anniversary as a Sister Of Mercy, which means I will celebrate 60 years next year. I entered September
8th, but I celebrated in October so the choir could prepare the music. Not sure what I will do for the 60th. Donata

JunesHGP said...

Girl - I wish I had half the memory that you do. I would have never remembered all that if you hadn't told this story!!

I think the steaks are a great idea - maybe someone from the neighborhood can take the kids for a few hours as well so you two could enjoy an adult meal?

Oh, and by the way...Traditional 9th is pottery/willow and modern 9th is leather - hey if he burns the steaks you'll get leather!! haha

Anonymous said...

I can't believe that it has been 9 years already! I remember going with Ken just before the wedding to buy you roses so he could give them to you right before the ceremony.

Anyway, it was a VERY fun day! I had a blast....I always have a blast when the three of us are together! Congrats on nine wonderful years! I love you both!


Anonymous said...

Well sissie, congratulations. And of course, here's some advice...

Do something good for your 10th. Denny and I didn't, and I kinda regret it!


Colleen said...

I've already hit up some grandparents, and I think it will be a go. Now I've just got to get Ken cracking on the overtime...


Bobbie said...

Hope you had a great day !!